Olivera Simic, “”Celebrating” Srebrenica Genocide: Impunity and Indoctrination as Contributing Factors to the Glorification of Mass Atrocities”, Journal of Genocide Research, 1 February 2024,

Olivera Simic and Kate Ogg, ‘Australia’s International and Domestic Borders as Sites of Dislocation, Division and Distrust: The Socio-Political Impacts of COVID-19 Travel Bans’ Law in Context, 9 March 2023,

Olivera Simic and Kim Rubenstein, “The challenge of ‘COVID-19 free’ Australia: International travel restrictions and stranded citizens”, The International Journal of Human Rights, published online 7 April 2022.

Kate Ogg and Olivera Simic, “Becoming an internally displaced person in Australia: State border closures during the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of international law on internal displacement”, Australian Journal of Human Rights, 28 (1) 2022.

Olivera Simic, “Australia, Covid-19, and the India Travel Ban” Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity, 9 (2) (2022).

Keziah Colsell and Olivera Simic, “‘It’s Not About the Money—Stop the Trauma’: Victims’ Responses to Reparations in Argentina and Australia’, Human Rights Review (2021), 1-19.

Olivera Simic, “Locked in and Locked out: a migrant women’s reflection on life in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic”, Journal of International Women Studies 22 (9) (2021), 400-426.

Olivera Simic and Barbora Hola, “A War Criminals Remorse: the case of Landzo and Plavsic”, Human Rights Review (Volume 3, 2020).

Olivera Simic, “Traumatised War Criminal? Documenting the case of Esad Landžo”, International Criminal Justice Review 28 (4) (2020)349–371.

Jean Collings and Olivera Simic, ‘Defining Rape in War: Challenges and Dilemmas’ Griffith Journal of Law and Human Dignity 6 (1) (2018), 186-221.

Karen Crawley and Olivera Simic, ‘Telling Stories of Rape, Revenge, and Redemption in the Age of the TED Talk’ Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal (first published online May, 2018), 1-20.

Olivera Simic, ‘”I would do the same again”: In Conversation with Biljana Plavsic’, International Criminal Justice Review  28 (4) (2018), 317-332.

Olivera Simic, ‘”Doing the research I do has left scars”: Challenges of Researching in the Transitional Justice Field’, Transitional Justice Review, 1(5) (2017), 176-209.

Olivera Simic, ‘Drinking Coffee in Bosnia: Listening to Stories of Wartime Violence and Rape’, Journal of International Women Studies (2017), 321-328.

Olivera Simic, ‘My Body a War Zone:  Documenting Stories of Wartime Sexual Violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Nepal’, Journal of Arts and Communities 8 (1-2) (2017), 11-29.

Olivera Simic, ‘Policing the Peacekeepers: Disrupting UN Responses to ‘Crises’ Over Sexual Offence Allegations’, Journal of International Peacekeeping 20 (1-2) (2016), 69–85.

Olivera Simic, ‘‘Unofficial truth projects’: Taking stock of truth seeking in Peru, Argentina and Serbia’, Australian Feminist Law Journal 42 (1) (2016), 137-161.

Olivera Simic, ‘Feminist Research in Transitional Justice Studies: Navigating Silences and Disruptions in the Field’, Human Rights Review 17 (1) (2016), 95-113.

Olivera Simic, ‘Engendering Transitional Justice: Silence, Absence and Repair’, Editorial, Human Rights Review 17(1) (2016), 1-8.

Olivera Simic and Zala Volcic, ‘In the Land of Wartime Rape: Bosnia, Art and Reparation’, Griffith Journal of Law and Human Dignity 2 (2) (2014), 377-401. 

Olivera Simic, ‘But I want to speak out: Making Art from Women’s Testimonies’, Australian Feminist Law Journal 40 (1) (2014), 51-67.

Olivera Simic and Melanie O’Brien, ‘Peacekeeper Babies: An Unintended Legacy of United Nations Peace Support Operations’ International Peacekeeping 21(3) (2014), 345-363. 

Olivera Simic and Ivana Milojevic, ‘Dialogues between Ex-Combatants and Youth in Serbia: Constructive Use of War Experience’, Peacebuilding 2 (3) (2014), 322-335.  

Olivera Simic, ‘Healing the Wounds of Past: Ex-Combatants Live in Belgrade Theater Performance “Tanatos”’, History of Communism in Europe (4) (2013), 65-86.

Karen Crowley and Olivera Simic, ‘Unintended Consequences: Photographing Women and Children Born of Rape’, 36 (2012) Australian Feminist Law Journal, 87-106.

Olivera Simic, ‘Challenging the Bosnian Women’s Identity as Rape Victim, as Unending Victim: the ‘Other’ Sex in Times of War’ 13 (4) (2012) Journal of International Women’s Studies, 129-142.

Olivera Simic, ‘After the War in Bosnia: Radmila’s Life under Handbrake’ 13 (6) (2012) German Law Journal, 659-678.

Olivera Simic and Kathleen Daly, ‘’One pair of Shoes, One Life’: Steps towards Accountability for Genocide in Srebrenica’ 5 (3) (2011) International Journal of Transitional Justice, 477-491.

Olivera Simic, ‘Bringing Justice Home? Bosnians, War Criminals and the Interaction between the Cosmopolitan and the Local’ (2011) German Law Journal, 1388-1407.

Olivera Simic, ‘Breathing Sense into Women’s Lives Shattered by War: the DAH Theater Company of Belgrade’ 14 (2010) Law Text Culture, 117-133.

Olivera Simic, ‘Does the Presence of Women Really Matters? Towards Combating Male Sexual Violence in Peacekeeping Operations’ 17 (2) (2010) Journal of International Peacekeeping, 188-199.

Olivera Simic, ‘Remembering, Visiting and Placing the Dead: Law, Authority and Genocide in Srebrenica’ 13 (2009) Law Text Culture, 273-311.

Olivera Simic, ‘Rethinking ‘sexual exploitation’ in UN peacekeeping operations’ 32 (4) (2009) Women’s Studies International Forum, 288-295.

Olivera Simic, ‘What remains of Srebrenica? Motherhood, Transitional Justice and Yearning for the Truth’ 10 (4) (2009) Journal of International Women’s Studies, 220-236.

Olivera Simic, ‘Who should be a Peacekeeper?’ 21 (3) (2009) Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 395 – 402.

Olivera Simic,‘Activism for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Gender Perspective’ (2009) 18 (5) Global Media Journal/American Edition (special issue on Intersections between Performance Studies, Media, Gender, Leadership and Peace Studies)

Olivera Simic, ‘A Tour to a Site of Genocide: Mothers, Borders and Bones’ 9 (3) (2008) Journal of International Women’s Studies, 304-314.

Olivera Simic, ‘Gender, Conflict, and Reconciliation: Where are the Men, what about Women?’(2005) Journal for Political Theory and Research on Globalization, Development and Gender Issues 1-13 (available on line).

Olivera Simic, ‘Sexual abuse of women and exploitation of children by peacekeepers: Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Democratic Republic of Congo’ (2005) 10, Journal for Political Theory and Research on Globalization, Development and Gender Issues, 1 – 14.


Olivera Simic and Barbora Hola (eds.),ICTY Celebrities: War Criminals after Trial and Their Homecoming(special issue guest editors, International Criminal Justice Review, 2018)

Olivera Simic (ed.),Engendering Transitional Justice: Silence, Absence and Repair(special issue guest editor, Human Rights Review, 2016)


Olivera Simic, ’“Daisy in the Dirt”: Visualizing Women’s Historical Injustices of War and Violence’ in Elazar Barkan et al (eds.),Historical Dialogues and The Prevention of Mass Atrocities(Routledge, 2020)(conference proceedings, invited contribution), 253-276.

Alette Smeulers and Olivera Simic, ‘Female War Crime Perpetrators in Bosnia and Herzegovina’ in Olga Jurasz and Mouthaan, Solange (eds),Gender and War: International and Transitional Justice Perspectives(Cambridge: Intersentia, 2019)(conference proceedings, invited contribution), 65-90)

Olivera Simic, ‘Portraits of the Dead and the Living: Bosnia and Rwanda Twenty Years On’ in Chrisje Brants and Susanne Karstedt (eds.),Transitional Justice and its Public Spheres. Engagement, Legitimacy and Contestation(Hart Publishing, 2017), 307-334.

Olivera Simic, ‘Arts and Transitional Justice’ in Olivera Simic (ed.),An Introduction to Transitional Justice(Routledge, 2017), 223-244.

Olivera Simic, ‘Doing the Fieldwork: Well-being of Transitional Justice Researchers’ in Olivera Simic (ed.),An Introduction to Transitional Justice(Routledge, 2017), 289-303.

Zala Volčič and Olivera Simic, ‘Geographies of Crime and Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina’ in Susanne Buckley-Zistel and Annika Björkdahl, Where Peace and Conflict Take Place (Palgrave, 2016), 286-303.(invited contribution)

Olivera Simic, ‘Wartime Rape and its Shunned Victims’ in Amy Randall (ed.),Genocide and Gender in the Twentieth Century: A Comparative Survey(Bloomsbury, 2015), 237-257.(invited contribution)

Olivera Simic, ‘One step forward, two steps back: gender (in)equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina’ in Sabrina P. Ramet, Gender (in)equalities in Southeastern Europe: A question of justice(Palgrave, 2015), 87-107.(invited contribution)

Olivera Simic, ‘Stories We Tell: Documentary Theatre, Performance and Justice in Transition’ inPost-Communist Transitional Justice: Lessons from 25 Years of Experience in Lavinia Stan and Nadya Nedelsky (eds)(Cambridge University Press,2015), 252-274.(invited contribution)

Olivera Simic, ‘The European Union and the Western Balkans: Time to Move away from Retributive Justice?’ in Soeren Keil, Zeynep Arkan (ed.),The EU and Member State Building: European Foreign Policy in the Western Balkans and Turkey(Routledge, 2015) 191-208.(invited contribution)

Olivera Simic, ‘Increasing Women’s Presence in Peacekeeping Operations: The Rationales and Realities of ‘Gender Balance’ in Dianne Otto and Gina Heathcote (eds.),Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security(Palgrave, 2014), 185-203.(conference proceedings, invited contribution)

Olivera Simic, ‘Memorial Culture in the former Yugoslavia: Mothers of Srebrenica and the destruction of artifacts by the ICTY’ in Peter Rush and Olivera Simic (eds.),The Art of Transitional Justice: Culture, Activism, and Memory after Atrocity(Springer, 2013), 155-173.

Olivera Simic and Dijana Milosevic, ‘Enacting Justice: The Role of Dah Theatre Company in Transitional Justice Processes in Serbia and Beyond’ in Peter Rush and Olivera Simic (eds.),The Art of Transitional Justice: Culture, Activism, and Memory after Atrocity(Springer, 2013) 99-113.

Olivera Simic, ‘Pillar of Shame’: Civil Society, the UN responsibility and Genocide in Srebrenica’, in Olivera Simic and Zala Volcic (eds.),Civil Society and Transitional Justice in the Balkans(Springer, 2013), 181-200.

Olivera Simic, ‘Localizing Transitional Justice: Civil Society Practices and Initiatives in the Balkans’, in Olivera Simic and Zala Volcic (eds.),Civil Society and Transitional Justice in the Balkans(Springer, 2013) (with Z.Volcic), 1-16.

Olivera Simic, Zala Volcic and Catherine Philpot, ‘Peace Psychology in the Balkans: Its past, present and future’ in O. Simic, Z. Volcic and C. Philpot (eds.),Peace Psychology in the Balkans: Dealing with a Violent Past while Building Peace(Springer, 2012), 1-14.

Olivera Simic, ‘Boys will be Boys’: Human Trafficking and UN Peacekeeping in Bosnia and Kosovo’ in Leslie Holmes (ed.),Trafficking and Human Rights: European and Asia-Pacific Perspectives(Edward Elgar, UK, 2010), 79-95.